Morso digital measuring system
You can now have your new Morso mitring machine delivered with manually operated digital measuring system. This digital measuring system is also available as a subsequent installation on to all existing Morso machines in the market, no matter how old the machine is.
The manually operated digital measuring system consists of two units, which are also available separately. The manually operated digital measuring system for the in- and outside measurement, (DM 1500) is standard delivered in 1500 mm length. Upon request the system is also available up to as long as 6000 mm. When ordering DM 1500, the unit is delivered complete and ready to use. Aluminium fence, magnetic tape, stop ruler and obviously the digital display is all included. The aluminium fence is easily fitted as it uses the existing holes which are used for the existing measuring system.
The manually operated digital measuring system for measuring the width of the rebate, uses the same principle, and is easily fitted, using the existing holes in the left side of the cast iron table. To read the width of the rebate, the moulding is placed against the fence, and then the reader is moved towards the rebate. When the unit touches the rebate the correct width can be seen on the display. The manually operated digital easuring unit for reading the width of the rebate is item code DR 100. When ordering this unit, it is delivered complete, ready to use, which means reading unit, display, fittings etc. is all included.
The digital system is easy and simple to use, it reduces the risk for mistakes when reading the numbers on your aluminium
ruler, and especially the digital system will save you a lot of time when changing the lengths and widths. Not to mention that the precision is unique as the display can show up to 0.01 mm.
Machinery Available to order (2-3 weeks)